Monday, 3 April 2017
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Dermatološki dan 2016
Dermatološki dan je za nami. Za vse ki ste se udeležili ali pa se na žalost niste mogli, objavljamljo tukaj še enkrat program in prilagamo linke za pdf dokumente (kliknite na naslov), če si želite kaj prebrati naknadno.
- Srbež – diagnostični in terapevtski izziv
- Allergen specific immunotherapy: definitely worth a try!
- New methods of desensitisation for Canine atopic dermatitis
- Food allergy - an update!
Nina je diplomirala na veterinarski fakulteti LMU v Münchnu 2007. Veterinarsko diplomo je pripravljala v Severni Karolini v ZDA pri Prof. Thierry Olivry-ju, na področju autoimunih obolenj od 2008 do 2009. Svoj internship in specializacijo iz veterinarske dermatologije je absolvirala na Kliniki za male živali v Zürichu in prejela naziv diplomata 2014. Nina je trenutno zaposlena na veterinarski fakulteti v Zürichu kot klinik in docentka na oddelku za dermatologijo ter pripravlja svojo habilitacijo na področju alergologije. Publicirala je več člankov s področja alergologije, papilloma virusnih infekcij in pemphigoidnega kompleksa. Nina je od 2015 tudi blagajnik v Švicarski Dermatološki Sekciji.
Friday, 18 November 2016
Dermatološki dan 2016
Dragi člani Dermatološke sekcije
in vsi kolegi, ki vas zanima dermatologija malih živali.
Vabimo vas na
dermatološki dan, kjer bodo predstavljene najnovejše metode
diagnostike in
zdravljenja s področja alergij in srbeža ter novosti s svetovnega
kongresa. Na koncu predavanj ste dobrodošli predstaviti tudi svoje
KJE: Grand
Hotel Bernardin, Portorož
KDAJ: sobota 3.12. 2016 s pričetkom ob 9 uri do kosila
KDO: Nina Fischer,
dipl. ECVD
Ana Rostaher, dipl. ECVD
Kotizacija za soboto znaša za člane
Dermatološke sekcije 70€
Članarino lahko poravnate
na: SZVMŽ, Cesta v Mestni Log 47, 1000 Ljubljana Številka tekočega računa: IBAN: SI56 0310 7100 0013 109.
Srbež – diagnostični in
terapevtski izziv
metode specifične imunoterapije (SIT):
subkutano, oralno ali intralimfatično?–
Diagnostika alergije na hrano: kje smo in kam gremo?
Diskusija primerov, novosti iz svetovnega dermatološkega kongresa
Letna skupščina Dermatološke sekcije (20 min)
*Popoldan po želji neformalna diskusija
o dermatoloških primerih članov
Monday, 13 April 2015
Mystery case answer
is Arwen, a 3,5 years old, spayed Viszla. Her skin lesions started soon
after developing diarrhea and vomiting. She was treated with
immuno-suppressive doses of glucocorticoids and recovered very slowly.
Main important question was: asking for medications, food history and possible insect bites
We found out that Arwen was eating often walnuts and that day more then 100g.
What is your problem list? Urticaria and erythematous patches, vomiting and diarrhea
What are your main differentials? Urticaria, urticarial vasculitis
What tests would you like to perform? Checking clinical signs of anaphylaxis (inlcuding blood preassure), hematology, biochemistry, abdominal ultrasound, skin biopsy, intradermal testing and western blot for walnuts
Main important question was: asking for medications, food history and possible insect bites
We found out that Arwen was eating often walnuts and that day more then 100g.
What is your problem list? Urticaria and erythematous patches, vomiting and diarrhea
What are your main differentials? Urticaria, urticarial vasculitis
What tests would you like to perform? Checking clinical signs of anaphylaxis (inlcuding blood preassure), hematology, biochemistry, abdominal ultrasound, skin biopsy, intradermal testing and western blot for walnuts
Saturday, 21 March 2015
Cytological evaluation of inflammatory and neoplastic skin disease PART 1
cells are usually neutrophils, eosinophils, macrophages,
lymphocytes, plasma cells.
![]() |
Normal epidermal cells by layers |
![]() |
Squamous cell carcinoma |
- Mesenchymal cells (spindle cells): Tissue cells tend to exfoliate
in low numbers and are present in loose aggregates or groups. The cells are
usually spindle shaped but can appear more ovoid and plump. If these cells are contained in an
inflammatory exudate they can become reactive and can mimic pleomorph neoplastic
cells. Usually this is seen in granulation tissue. However, a high number of
spindle-shaped cells are indicative of neoplasia. The origin is very difficult
to detect, they can arise form adipose, fibrous, vessel, neural etc. tissue.
Round-cells: Round-cell lesions tend to
exfoliate readily, although cells can be fragile, requiring gentle preparation
for cytology. Cells are discrete with well-defined cell borders. Common cells
of this category include lymphocytes, histiocytes, mast cells, and plasma
cells, as well as cells of transmissible venereal tumors.
Sunday, 1 February 2015
Primary cornification disorders
The cornification process
represents morphologic changes in the whole life span of the keratinocytes. It
starts already in the basal cell layer keratinocytes and ends with the final
differentiated corneocytes of the ‘strong and compact’ stratum corneum. The
main functions of this layer are the toxin/microbe/trauma/UV light protection
and prevention of fluid loss (skin hydration). Four key steps are included in these
1. Formation of the protein core (aggregation
of keratins, with the help of fillagrin)
of the protein envelope (replacement of the previous cell membrane with a
‘stronger’ one consisting of small peptides)
of the lipid lamellar bilayers (consisting of cholesterol, long-chain fatty
acids, and ceramides, important role of lamellar bodies)
(corneodesmosomes are cleaved by proteases, the corneocytes are shed into the environment)
Cornification disorders arise when there is a problem in establishing a normal stratum corneum. They are usually secondary, to an allergic, parasitic, metabolic, (para)neoplastic or endocrine disease. Primary cornification disorders, the so-called ichthyoses are due to a genetic defect somewhere in the cornification process or elements: structural proteins, lipid metabolism, enzymes. Some investigators include abnormalities in sebaceous gland function (eg, sebaceous adenitis, sebaceous gland dysplasia) as primary cornification disorders as well. The diagnostic approach involves thorough clinical assessment and ruling out secondary causes. Skin biopsies and genetic test are usually inevitable to make a final diagnosis.
Icthyosis resembles primary
cornification disorders is at present subdivided into epidermolytic and
non-epidermolytic forms on the basis of light microscopy.
1. Epidermolytic ichthyosis in the Norfolk terrier is autosomal recessive and caused by
a mutation in epidermal keratin 10. It was also described in some other breeds
(Rhodesian ridgeback). These dogs have multifocal areas of hyperpigmented hyperkeratosis
(intertriginous areas) and dark scaling. The skin is sensitive to mechanical
trauma (erosions).
2. Non-epidermolytic
This group is corresponding to the autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis
(ARCI) in humans, which is the official classification for a heterogeneous
group of disorders with overlapping phenotypes (e.g. lamellar ichthyosis,
congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma). A variety of mutations affecting lipids
and structural proteins cause similar phenotypes and light microscopic changes.
In humans, there are currently 8 known mutations, in comparison researchers characterized
3 in veterinary medicine. The current nomenclature used by pathologists in
veterinary medicine is to label these ARCI disorders by the breed predilection,
as described bellow. We will se if this will change in the future.
Golden retriever ichthyosis
Golden retrievers may presents with
usually mild-moderate non-pruritic generalised scaling (mild to moderate) disorder,
in the age from 3 weeks to 3 years (85% before 1 year of age). In France a high
prevalence (50%) was shown in this breed. The causing gene is now known to be
PNPLA1 (belonging to the patatin-like phospholipase
family). It is coding for a protein responsible for lipolytic and/or lipogenic activity of neutral lipids (not
triglycerides). These studies in dogs helped to reveal the cause also in human patients
with ARCI. In non-breeding animals a diagnosis based on clinical and
histopathological findings is sufficient. Performing a genetic test ( in breeding animals to assess carrier state is
American Bullterier ichthyosis
American bulldogs typically have a more
severe phenotype (then Golden retrievers) with lesions evident before weaning
(sometimes shortly after birth). The scaling is generalized (also in the coat) with
large, light brown adherent scale on the ventral thorax and abdomen, the skin
is often erythematous. The abdominal skin of adult dogs may be reddish-brown. The
animals may show otitis, pododermatitis and intertrigo. Secondary Malassezia infections may develop and be
associated with a significant pruritus. Pedigree analyses are highly suggestive
of an autosomal recessive trait and the responsible gene is coding for the
protein ICHTHYN. The test can be performed at The University of Pennsylvania
Jack (Parson) Russel Icthyosis
The clinical lesions are characterized
by thick, adherent scales (0,5 -2 cm large) predominantly on ventral skin areas
(abdomen, ventral neck). The skin of the food pads and nose may be thickened
and greasy. The dogs may develop severe secondary yeast and/or bacterial
infections with corresponding inflammation and pruritus. Nonepidermolytic
ichthyosis in Jack Russell terriers (JRT) is caused by a loss of function
mutation in transglutaminase 1 (TGM1). TGM1 mediates calcium dependent
cross-linking of peptides (e.g. involucrin, loricrin) to form the cornified
envelope- the strong exterior of the corneocyte.
Non-determined cornification disorders
other breeds are described with clinical signs of ichthyosis, but the molecular
characterization is not available yet. The following breeds are mentioned: Cavalier King Charles spaniel dogs (keratoconjunctivitis starting
from eyelid opening age, a roughened/curly haircoat, scaling with abdominal hyperpigmentation,
footpad hyperkeratosis, and nail dystrophy), West Highland White terriers,
soft-coated Wheaton terrier.
Unconfirmed cornification disorders
For some diseases, there is lack of
sufficient evidence that they are a primary cornification disorders. Vitamin A
– responsive dermatosis, generalized sebaceous gland hyperplasia and primary
seborrhea are in this moment controversial diseases.
Barnhart KF et al. A heritable keratinization defect of the
superficial epidermis in norfolk
terriers. J Comp Pathol. 2004
Credille KM. Transglutaminase 1-deficient recessive lamellar ichthyosis associated with a LINE-1 insertion in Jack Russell terrier dogs. Br J Dermatol. 2009;161(2):265-72.
- Credille KM et al. Mild recessive epidermolytic hyperkeratosis associated with a novel keratin 10 donor splice-site mutation in a family of Norfolk terrier dogs. Br J Dermatol. 2005 Jul;153(1):51-8.
- Grall A et al. PNPLA1 mutations cause autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis in golden retriever dogs and humans. Nat Genet. 2012;44(2):140-7
- Guaguere E et al. Clinical, histopathological and genetic data of ichthyosis in the golden retriever: a prospective study. J Small Anim Pract. 2009;50(5):227-35
- Lewis et al. Characterization and management of a Jack Russell terrier with congenital ichthyosis. Vet Dermatol 1998; 9(2) pages 111–118.
- Mauldin
E. Proceedings of the 27th Annual congress of the ESVD-ECVD
2014, p.124-127- Credille KM et al. Mild recessive epidermolytic hyperkeratosis associated with a novel keratin 10 donor splice-site mutation in a family of Norfolk terrier dogs. Br J Dermatol. 2005 Jul;153(1):51-8.
- Grall A et al. PNPLA1 mutations cause autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis in golden retriever dogs and humans. Nat Genet. 2012;44(2):140-7
- Guaguere E et al. Clinical, histopathological and genetic data of ichthyosis in the golden retriever: a prospective study. J Small Anim Pract. 2009;50(5):227-35
- Lewis et al. Characterization and management of a Jack Russell terrier with congenital ichthyosis. Vet Dermatol 1998; 9(2) pages 111–118.
- Mauldin EA. Canine ichthyosis and related disorders of cornification. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 2013 ;43(1):89-97
- Mauldin EA et al. The clinical and morphologic features of nonepidermolytic ichthyosis in the golden retriever. Vet Pathol. 2008;45(2):174-80.
Sunday, 25 January 2015
NOVOST Journal club za člane - Februar 2015
Kdaj: Februar
2015: torek, sreda ali četrtek 10., 11 ali 12. ob 20h
Trajanje: max. 1,5h
Trajanje: max. 1,5h
Tema: Spodnji članki, vaši klinični primeri, razna dermatološka vprašanja
(članke ste dobili po emajlu, ali pa predstavite članek po vašem okusu).
Potrditev udeležbe: na elektronsko doodle anketo (vpišite kar svoje skype ime)
ali pa na emajl :
Lista člankov
2. Feline leishmaniosis: a case with a
high parasitic burden. Migliazzo A et al.
Vet Dermatol. 2015 Feb;26(1):69-70.
3. Concurrent Bartonella henselae
infection in a dog with panniculitis and owner with ulcerated nodular skin lesions.
Rossi MA et al. Vet
Dermatol. 2015 Feb;26(1):60-e22
4. A blinded, randomized clinical trial comparing the
efficacy and safety of oclacitinib
and ciclosporin for the control of atopic dermatitis in client-owned dogs. Little et al. Vet Dermatol. 2015 Feb;26(1):23-e8.
5. Efficacy of oclacitinib
(Apoquel) compared with prednisolone for the control of pruritus and clinical
signs associated with allergic dermatitis in client-owned dogs in Australia
6. Deslorelin for the treatment of hair cycle arrest in
intact male dogs. Albanese et al. Vet Dermatol.
2014 Dec;25(6):519-22
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